Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

artikel inggris 1970

The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits

by Milton FriedmanThe New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970. Copyright @ 1970 by The New York Times Company.
When I hear businessmen speak eloquently about the "social responsibilities of business in a free-enterprise system," I am reminded of the wonderful line about the Frenchman who discovered at the age of 70 that he had been speaking prose all his life. The businessmen believe that they are defending free en­terprise when they declaim that business is not concerned "merely" with profit but also with promoting desirable "social" ends; that business has a "social conscience" and takes seriously its responsibilities for providing em­ployment, eliminating discrimination, avoid­ing pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary crop of re­formers. In fact they are–or would be if they or anyone else took them seriously–preach­ing pure and unadulterated socialism. Busi­nessmen who talk this way are unwitting pup­pets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades.
The discussions of the "social responsibili­ties of business" are notable for their analytical looseness and lack of rigor. What does it mean to say that "business" has responsibilities? Only people can have responsibilities. A corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibilities, but "business" as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense. The first step toward clarity in examining the doctrine of the social responsibility of business is to ask precisely what it implies for whom.
Presumably, the individuals who are to be responsible are businessmen, which means in­dividual proprietors or corporate executives. Most of the discussion of social responsibility is directed at corporations, so in what follows I shall mostly neglect the individual proprietors and speak of corporate executives.
In a free-enterprise, private-property sys­tem, a corporate executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct re­sponsibility to his employers. That responsi­bility is to conduct the business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while con­forming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom. Of course, in some cases his employers may have a different objective. A group of persons might establish a corporation for an eleemosynary purpose–for exam­ple, a hospital or a school. The manager of such a corporation will not have money profit as his objective but the rendering of certain services.
In either case, the key point is that, in his capacity as a corporate executive, the manager is the agent of the individuals who own the corporation or establish the eleemosynary institution, and his primary responsibility is to them.
Needless to say, this does not mean that it is easy to judge how well he is performing his task. But at least the criterion of performance is straightforward, and the persons among whom a voluntary contractual arrangement exists are clearly defined.
Of course, the corporate executive is also a person in his own right. As a person, he may have many other responsibilities that he rec­ognizes or assumes voluntarily–to his family, his conscience, his feelings of charity, his church, his clubs, his city, his country. He ma}. feel impelled by these responsibilities to de­vote part of his income to causes he regards as worthy, to refuse to work for particular corpo­rations, even to leave his job, for example, to join his country's armed forces. Ifwe wish, we may refer to some of these responsibilities as "social responsibilities." But in these respects he is acting as a principal, not an agent; he is spending his own money or time or energy, not the money of his employers or the time or energy he has contracted to devote to their purposes. If these are "social responsibili­ties," they are the social responsibilities of in­dividuals, not of business.
What does it mean to say that the corpo­rate executive has a "social responsibility" in his capacity as businessman? If this statement is not pure rhetoric, it must mean that he is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers. For example, that he is to refrain from increasing the price of the product in order to contribute to the social objective of preventing inflation, even though a price in crease would be in the best interests of the corporation. Or that he is to make expendi­tures on reducing pollution beyond the amount that is in the best interests of the cor­poration or that is required by law in order to contribute to the social objective of improving the environment. Or that, at the expense of corporate profits, he is to hire "hardcore" un­employed instead of better qualified available workmen to contribute to the social objective of reducing poverty.
In each of these cases, the corporate exec­utive would be spending someone else's money for a general social interest. Insofar as his actions in accord with his "social responsi­bility" reduce returns to stockholders, he is spending their money. Insofar as his actions raise the price to customers, he is spending the customers' money. Insofar as his actions lower the wages of some employees, he is spending their money.
The stockholders or the customers or the employees could separately spend their own money on the particular action if they wished to do so. The executive is exercising a distinct "social responsibility," rather than serving as an agent of the stockholders or the customers or the employees, only if he spends the money in a different way than they would have spent it.
But if he does this, he is in effect imposing taxes, on the one hand, and deciding how the tax proceeds shall be spent, on the other.
This process raises political questions on two levels: principle and consequences. On the level of political principle, the imposition of taxes and the expenditure of tax proceeds are gov­ernmental functions. We have established elab­orate constitutional, parliamentary and judicial provisions to control these functions, to assure that taxes are imposed so far as possible in ac­cordance with the preferences and desires of the public–after all, "taxation without repre­sentation" was one of the battle cries of the American Revolution. We have a system of checks and balances to separate the legisla­tive function of imposing taxes and enacting expenditures from the executive function of collecting taxes and administering expendi­ture programs and from the judicial function of mediating disputes and interpreting the law.
Here the businessman–self-selected or appointed directly or indirectly by stockhold­ers–is to be simultaneously legislator, execu­tive and, jurist. He is to decide whom to tax by how much and for what purpose, and he is to spend the proceeds–all this guided only by general exhortations from on high to restrain inflation, improve the environment, fight poverty and so on and on.
The whole justification for permitting the corporate executive to be selected by the stockholders is that the executive is an agent serving the interests of his principal. This jus­tification disappears when the corporate ex­ecutive imposes taxes and spends the pro­ceeds for "social" purposes. He becomes in effect a public employee, a civil servant, even though he remains in name an employee of a private enterprise. On grounds of political principle, it is intolerable that such civil ser­vants–insofar as their actions in the name of social responsibility are real and not just win­dow-dressing–should be selected as they are now. If they are to be civil servants, then they must be elected through a political process. If they are to impose taxes and make expendi­tures to foster "social" objectives, then politi­cal machinery must be set up to make the as­sessment of taxes and to determine through a political process the objectives to be served.
This is the basic reason why the doctrine of "social responsibility" involves the acceptance of the socialist view that political mechanisms, not market mechanisms, are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce re­sources to alternative uses.
On the grounds of consequences, can the corporate executive in fact discharge his al­leged "social responsibilities?" On the other hand, suppose he could get away with spending the stockholders' or customers' or employees' money. How is he to know how to spend it? He is told that he must contribute to fighting inflation. How is he to know what ac­tion of his will contribute to that end? He is presumably an expert in running his company–in producing a product or selling it or financing it. But nothing about his selection makes him an expert on inflation. Will his hold­ ing down the price of his product reduce infla­tionary pressure? Or, by leaving more spending power in the hands of his customers, simply divert it elsewhere? Or, by forcing him to produce less because of the lower price, will it simply contribute to shortages? Even if he could an­swer these questions, how much cost is he justi­fied in imposing on his stockholders, customers and employees for this social purpose? What is his appropriate share and what is the appropri­ate share of others?
And, whether he wants to or not, can he get away with spending his stockholders', cus­tomers' or employees' money? Will not the stockholders fire him? (Either the present ones or those who take over when his actions in the name of social responsibility have re­duced the corporation's profits and the price of its stock.) His customers and his employees can desert him for other producers and em­ployers less scrupulous in exercising their so­cial responsibilities.
This facet of "social responsibility" doc­ trine is brought into sharp relief when the doctrine is used to justify wage restraint by trade unions. The conflict of interest is naked and clear when union officials are asked to subordinate the interest of their members to some more general purpose. If the union offi­cials try to enforce wage restraint, the consequence is likely to be wildcat strikes, rank­-and-file revolts and the emergence of strong competitors for their jobs. We thus have the ironic phenomenon that union leaders–at least in the U.S.–have objected to Govern­ment interference with the market far more consistently and courageously than have business leaders.
The difficulty of exercising "social responsibility" illustrates, of course, the great virtue of private competitive enterprise–it forces people to be responsible for their own actions and makes it difficult for them to "exploit" other people for either selfish or unselfish purposes. They can do good–but only at their own expense.
Many a reader who has followed the argu­ment this far may be tempted to remonstrate that it is all well and good to speak of Government's having the responsibility to im­pose taxes and determine expenditures for such "social" purposes as controlling pollu­tion or training the hard-core unemployed, but that the problems are too urgent to wait on the slow course of political processes, that the exercise of social responsibility by busi­nessmen is a quicker and surer way to solve pressing current problems.
Aside from the question of fact–I share Adam Smith's skepticism about the benefits that can be expected from "those who affected to trade for the public good"–this argument must be rejected on grounds of principle. What it amounts to is an assertion that those who favor the taxes and expenditures in question have failed to persuade a majority of their fellow citizens to be of like mind and that they are seeking to attain by undemocratic procedures what they cannot attain by democratic proce­dures. In a free society, it is hard for "evil" people to do "evil," especially since one man's good is another's evil.
I have, for simplicity, concentrated on the special case of the corporate executive, ex­cept only for the brief digression on trade unions. But precisely the same argument ap­plies to the newer phenomenon of calling upon stockholders to require corporations to exercise social responsibility (the recent G.M crusade for example). In most of these cases, what is in effect involved is some stockholders trying to get other stockholders (or customers or employees) to contribute against their will to "social" causes favored by the activists. In­sofar as they succeed, they are again imposing taxes and spending the proceeds.
The situation of the individual proprietor is somewhat different. If he acts to reduce the returns of his enterprise in order to exercise his "social responsibility," he is spending his own money, not someone else's. If he wishes to spend his money on such purposes, that is his right, and I cannot see that there is any ob­jection to his doing so. In the process, he, too, may impose costs on employees and cus­tomers. However, because he is far less likely than a large corporation or union to have mo­nopolistic power, any such side effects will tend to be minor.
Of course, in practice the doctrine of social responsibility is frequently a cloak for actions that are justified on other grounds rather than a reason for those actions.
To illustrate, it may well be in the long run interest of a corporation that is a major employer in a small community to devote resources to providing amenities to that community or to improving its government. That may make it easier to attract desirable employees, it may reduce the wage bill or lessen losses from pilferage and sabotage or have other worthwhile effects. Or it may be that, given the laws about the deductibility of corporate charitable contributions, the stockholders can contribute more to chari­ties they favor by having the corporation make the gift than by doing it themselves, since they can in that way contribute an amount that would otherwise have been paid as corporate taxes.
In each of these–and many similar–cases, there is a strong temptation to rationalize these actions as an exercise of "social responsibility." In the present climate of opinion, with its wide spread aversion to "capitalism," "profits," the "soulless corporation" and so on, this is one way for a corporation to generate goodwill as a by-product of expenditures that are entirely justified in its own self-interest.
It would be inconsistent of me to call on corporate executives to refrain from this hyp­ocritical window-dressing because it harms the foundations of a free society. That would be to call on them to exercise a "social re­sponsibility"! If our institutions, and the atti­tudes of the public make it in their self-inter­est to cloak their actions in this way, I cannot summon much indignation to denounce them. At the same time, I can express admiration for those individual proprietors or owners of closely held corporations or stockholders of more broadly held corporations who disdain such tactics as approaching fraud.
Whether blameworthy or not, the use of the cloak of social responsibility, and the nonsense spoken in its name by influential and presti­gious businessmen, does clearly harm the foun­dations of a free society. I have been impressed time and again by the schizophrenic character of many businessmen. They are capable of being extremely farsighted and clearheaded in matters that are internal to their businesses. They are incredibly shortsighted and muddle­headed in matters that are outside their businesses but affect the possible survival of busi­ness in general. This shortsightedness is strikingly exemplified in the calls from many businessmen for wage and price guidelines or controls or income policies. There is nothing that could do more in a brief period to destroy a market system and replace it by a centrally con­trolled system than effective governmental con­trol of prices and wages.
The shortsightedness is also exemplified in speeches by businessmen on social respon­sibility. This may gain them kudos in the short run. But it helps to strengthen the already too prevalent view that the pursuit of profits is wicked and immoral and must be curbed and controlled by external forces. Once this view is adopted, the external forces that curb the market will not be the social consciences, however highly developed, of the pontificating executives; it will be the iron fist of Government bureaucrats. Here, as with price and wage controls, businessmen seem to me to reveal a suicidal impulse.
The political principle that underlies the market mechanism is unanimity. In an ideal free market resting on private property, no individual can coerce any other, all coopera­tion is voluntary, all parties to such coopera­tion benefit or they need not participate. There are no values, no "social" responsibilities in any sense other than the shared values and responsibilities of individuals. Society is a collection of individuals and of the various groups they voluntarily form.
The political principle that underlies the political mechanism is conformity. The indi­vidual must serve a more general social inter­est–whether that be determined by a church or a dictator or a majority. The individual may have a vote and say in what is to be done, but if he is overruled, he must conform. It is appropriate for some to require others to contribute to a general social purpose whether they wish to or not.
Unfortunately, unanimity is not always feasi­ble. There are some respects in which conformity appears unavoidable, so I do not see how one can avoid the use of the political mecha­nism altogether.
But the doctrine of "social responsibility" taken seriously would extend the scope of the political mechanism to every human activity. It does not differ in philosophy from the most explicitly collectivist doctrine. It differs only by professing to believe that collectivist ends can be attained without collectivist means. That is why, in my bookCapitalism and Freedom, I have called it a "fundamentally subversive doctrine" in a free society, and have said that in such a society, "there is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud."

The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits

by Milton Friedman
The New York Times Magazine, September 13, 1970. Copyright @ 1970 by The New York Times Company.
When I hear businessmen speak eloquently about the "social responsibilities of business in a free-enterprise system," I am reminded of the wonderful line about the Frenchman who discovered at the age of 70 that he had been speaking prose all his life. The businessmen believe that they are defending free en­terprise when they declaim that business is not concerned "merely" with profit but also with promoting desirable "social" ends; that business has a "social conscience" and takes seriously its responsibilities for providing em­ployment, eliminating discrimination, avoid­ing pollution and whatever else may be the catchwords of the contemporary crop of re­formers. In fact they are–or would be if they or anyone else took them seriously–preach­ing pure and unadulterated socialism. Busi­nessmen who talk this way are unwitting pup­pets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades.
The discussions of the "social responsibili­ties of business" are notable for their analytical looseness and lack of rigor. What does it mean to say that "business" has responsibilities? Only people can have responsibilities. A corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibilities, but "business" as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense. The first step toward clarity in examining the doctrine of the social responsibility of business is to ask precisely what it implies for whom.
Presumably, the individuals who are to be responsible are businessmen, which means in­dividual proprietors or corporate executives. Most of the discussion of social responsibility is directed at corporations, so in what follows I shall mostly neglect the individual proprietors and speak of corporate executives.
In a free-enterprise, private-property sys­tem, a corporate executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct re­sponsibility to his employers. That responsi­bility is to conduct the business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while con­forming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom. Of course, in some cases his employers may have a different objective. A group of persons might establish a corporation for an eleemosynary purpose–for exam­ple, a hospital or a school. The manager of such a corporation will not have money profit as his objective but the rendering of certain services.
In either case, the key point is that, in his capacity as a corporate executive, the manager is the agent of the individuals who own the corporation or establish the eleemosynary institution, and his primary responsibility is to them.
Needless to say, this does not mean that it is easy to judge how well he is performing his task. But at least the criterion of performance is straightforward, and the persons among whom a voluntary contractual arrangement exists are clearly defined.
Of course, the corporate executive is also a person in his own right. As a person, he may have many other responsibilities that he rec­ognizes or assumes voluntarily–to his family, his conscience, his feelings of charity, his church, his clubs, his city, his country. He ma}. feel impelled by these responsibilities to de­vote part of his income to causes he regards as worthy, to refuse to work for particular corpo­rations, even to leave his job, for example, to join his country's armed forces. Ifwe wish, we may refer to some of these responsibilities as "social responsibilities." But in these respects he is acting as a principal, not an agent; he is spending his own money or time or energy, not the money of his employers or the time or energy he has contracted to devote to their purposes. If these are "social responsibili­ties," they are the social responsibilities of in­dividuals, not of business.
What does it mean to say that the corpo­rate executive has a "social responsibility" in his capacity as businessman? If this statement is not pure rhetoric, it must mean that he is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers. For example, that he is to refrain from increasing the price of the product in order to contribute to the social objective of preventing inflation, even though a price in crease would be in the best interests of the corporation. Or that he is to make expendi­tures on reducing pollution beyond the amount that is in the best interests of the cor­poration or that is required by law in order to contribute to the social objective of improving the environment. Or that, at the expense of corporate profits, he is to hire "hardcore" un­employed instead of better qualified available workmen to contribute to the social objective of reducing poverty.
In each of these cases, the corporate exec­utive would be spending someone else's money for a general social interest. Insofar as his actions in accord with his "social responsi­bility" reduce returns to stockholders, he is spending their money. Insofar as his actions raise the price to customers, he is spending the customers' money. Insofar as his actions lower the wages of some employees, he is spending their money.
The stockholders or the customers or the employees could separately spend their own money on the particular action if they wished to do so. The executive is exercising a distinct "social responsibility," rather than serving as an agent of the stockholders or the customers or the employees, only if he spends the money in a different way than they would have spent it.
But if he does this, he is in effect imposing taxes, on the one hand, and deciding how the tax proceeds shall be spent, on the other.
This process raises political questions on two levels: principle and consequences. On the level of political principle, the imposition of taxes and the expenditure of tax proceeds are gov­ernmental functions. We have established elab­orate constitutional, parliamentary and judicial provisions to control these functions, to assure that taxes are imposed so far as possible in ac­cordance with the preferences and desires of the public–after all, "taxation without repre­sentation" was one of the battle cries of the American Revolution. We have a system of checks and balances to separate the legisla­tive function of imposing taxes and enacting expenditures from the executive function of collecting taxes and administering expendi­ture programs and from the judicial function of mediating disputes and interpreting the law.
Here the businessman–self-selected or appointed directly or indirectly by stockhold­ers–is to be simultaneously legislator, execu­tive and, jurist. He is to decide whom to tax by how much and for what purpose, and he is to spend the proceeds–all this guided only by general exhortations from on high to restrain inflation, improve the environment, fight poverty and so on and on.
The whole justification for permitting the corporate executive to be selected by the stockholders is that the executive is an agent serving the interests of his principal. This jus­tification disappears when the corporate ex­ecutive imposes taxes and spends the pro­ceeds for "social" purposes. He becomes in effect a public employee, a civil servant, even though he remains in name an employee of a private enterprise. On grounds of political principle, it is intolerable that such civil ser­vants–insofar as their actions in the name of social responsibility are real and not just win­dow-dressing–should be selected as they are now. If they are to be civil servants, then they must be elected through a political process. If they are to impose taxes and make expendi­tures to foster "social" objectives, then politi­cal machinery must be set up to make the as­sessment of taxes and to determine through a political process the objectives to be served.
This is the basic reason why the doctrine of "social responsibility" involves the acceptance of the socialist view that political mechanisms, not market mechanisms, are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce re­sources to alternative uses.
On the grounds of consequences, can the corporate executive in fact discharge his al­leged "social responsibilities?" On the other hand, suppose he could get away with spending the stockholders' or customers' or employees' money. How is he to know how to spend it? He is told that he must contribute to fighting inflation. How is he to know what ac­tion of his will contribute to that end? He is presumably an expert in running his company–in producing a product or selling it or financing it. But nothing about his selection makes him an expert on inflation. Will his hold­ ing down the price of his product reduce infla­tionary pressure? Or, by leaving more spending power in the hands of his customers, simply divert it elsewhere? Or, by forcing him to produce less because of the lower price, will it simply contribute to shortages? Even if he could an­swer these questions, how much cost is he justi­fied in imposing on his stockholders, customers and employees for this social purpose? What is his appropriate share and what is the appropri­ate share of others?
And, whether he wants to or not, can he get away with spending his stockholders', cus­tomers' or employees' money? Will not the stockholders fire him? (Either the present ones or those who take over when his actions in the name of social responsibility have re­duced the corporation's profits and the price of its stock.) His customers and his employees can desert him for other producers and em­ployers less scrupulous in exercising their so­cial responsibilities.
This facet of "social responsibility" doc­ trine is brought into sharp relief when the doctrine is used to justify wage restraint by trade unions. The conflict of interest is naked and clear when union officials are asked to subordinate the interest of their members to some more general purpose. If the union offi­cials try to enforce wage restraint, the consequence is likely to be wildcat strikes, rank­-and-file revolts and the emergence of strong competitors for their jobs. We thus have the ironic phenomenon that union leaders–at least in the U.S.–have objected to Govern­ment interference with the market far more consistently and courageously than have business leaders.
The difficulty of exercising "social responsibility" illustrates, of course, the great virtue of private competitive enterprise–it forces people to be responsible for their own actions and makes it difficult for them to "exploit" other people for either selfish or unselfish purposes. They can do good–but only at their own expense.
Many a reader who has followed the argu­ment this far may be tempted to remonstrate that it is all well and good to speak of Government's having the responsibility to im­pose taxes and determine expenditures for such "social" purposes as controlling pollu­tion or training the hard-core unemployed, but that the problems are too urgent to wait on the slow course of political processes, that the exercise of social responsibility by busi­nessmen is a quicker and surer way to solve pressing current problems.
Aside from the question of fact–I share Adam Smith's skepticism about the benefits that can be expected from "those who affected to trade for the public good"–this argument must be rejected on grounds of principle. What it amounts to is an assertion that those who favor the taxes and expenditures in question have failed to persuade a majority of their fellow citizens to be of like mind and that they are seeking to attain by undemocratic procedures what they cannot attain by democratic proce­dures. In a free society, it is hard for "evil" people to do "evil," especially since one man's good is another's evil.
I have, for simplicity, concentrated on the special case of the corporate executive, ex­cept only for the brief digression on trade unions. But precisely the same argument ap­plies to the newer phenomenon of calling upon stockholders to require corporations to exercise social responsibility (the recent G.M crusade for example). In most of these cases, what is in effect involved is some stockholders trying to get other stockholders (or customers or employees) to contribute against their will to "social" causes favored by the activists. In­sofar as they succeed, they are again imposing taxes and spending the proceeds.
The situation of the individual proprietor is somewhat different. If he acts to reduce the returns of his enterprise in order to exercise his "social responsibility," he is spending his own money, not someone else's. If he wishes to spend his money on such purposes, that is his right, and I cannot see that there is any ob­jection to his doing so. In the process, he, too, may impose costs on employees and cus­tomers. However, because he is far less likely than a large corporation or union to have mo­nopolistic power, any such side effects will tend to be minor.
Of course, in practice the doctrine of social responsibility is frequently a cloak for actions that are justified on other grounds rather than a reason for those actions.
To illustrate, it may well be in the long run interest of a corporation that is a major employer in a small community to devote resources to providing amenities to that community or to improving its government. That may make it easier to attract desirable employees, it may reduce the wage bill or lessen losses from pilferage and sabotage or have other worthwhile effects. Or it may be that, given the laws about the deductibility of corporate charitable contributions, the stockholders can contribute more to chari­ties they favor by having the corporation make the gift than by doing it themselves, since they can in that way contribute an amount that would otherwise have been paid as corporate taxes.
In each of these–and many similar–cases, there is a strong temptation to rationalize these actions as an exercise of "social responsibility." In the present climate of opinion, with its wide spread aversion to "capitalism," "profits," the "soulless corporation" and so on, this is one way for a corporation to generate goodwill as a by-product of expenditures that are entirely justified in its own self-interest.
It would be inconsistent of me to call on corporate executives to refrain from this hyp­ocritical window-dressing because it harms the foundations of a free society. That would be to call on them to exercise a "social re­sponsibility"! If our institutions, and the atti­tudes of the public make it in their self-inter­est to cloak their actions in this way, I cannot summon much indignation to denounce them. At the same time, I can express admiration for those individual proprietors or owners of closely held corporations or stockholders of more broadly held corporations who disdain such tactics as approaching fraud.
Whether blameworthy or not, the use of the cloak of social responsibility, and the nonsense spoken in its name by influential and presti­gious businessmen, does clearly harm the foun­dations of a free society. I have been impressed time and again by the schizophrenic character of many businessmen. They are capable of being extremely farsighted and clearheaded in matters that are internal to their businesses. They are incredibly shortsighted and muddle­headed in matters that are outside their businesses but affect the possible survival of busi­ness in general. This shortsightedness is strikingly exemplified in the calls from many businessmen for wage and price guidelines or controls or income policies. There is nothing that could do more in a brief period to destroy a market system and replace it by a centrally con­trolled system than effective governmental con­trol of prices and wages.
The shortsightedness is also exemplified in speeches by businessmen on social respon­sibility. This may gain them kudos in the short run. But it helps to strengthen the already too prevalent view that the pursuit of profits is wicked and immoral and must be curbed and controlled by external forces. Once this view is adopted, the external forces that curb the market will not be the social consciences, however highly developed, of the pontificating executives; it will be the iron fist of Government bureaucrats. Here, as with price and wage controls, businessmen seem to me to reveal a suicidal impulse.
The political principle that underlies the market mechanism is unanimity. In an ideal free market resting on private property, no individual can coerce any other, all coopera­tion is voluntary, all parties to such coopera­tion benefit or they need not participate. There are no values, no "social" responsibilities in any sense other than the shared values and responsibilities of individuals. Society is a collection of individuals and of the various groups they voluntarily form.
The political principle that underlies the political mechanism is conformity. The indi­vidual must serve a more general social inter­est–whether that be determined by a church or a dictator or a majority. The individual may have a vote and say in what is to be done, but if he is overruled, he must conform. It is appropriate for some to require others to contribute to a general social purpose whether they wish to or not.
Unfortunately, unanimity is not always feasi­ble. There are some respects in which conformity appears unavoidable, so I do not see how one can avoid the use of the political mecha­nism altogether.
But the doctrine of "social responsibility" taken seriously would extend the scope of the political mechanism to every human activity. It does not differ in philosophy from the most explicitly collectivist doctrine. It differs only by professing to believe that collectivist ends can be attained without collectivist means. That is why, in my bookCapitalism and Freedom, I have called it a "fundamentally subversive doctrine" in a free society, and have said that in such a society, "there is one and only one social responsibility of business–to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud."

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Asslammualaikum wr wb.

ini saya Muhammad Aldo .F. saya telah membuat blog yang berisi kisi-kisi UN.



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Menulis pesan singkat sesuai konteks.
Menulis laporan/pengumuman/resensi.
Melengkapi surat pribadi/surat dinas/surat pembaca.
Menulis rangkuman.
Menulis teks berita sesuai konteks.
Menulis slogan sesuai konteks.
Menulis iklan sesuai konteks.
Menyusun petunjuk melakukan sesuatu.
Menulis teks pidato.
Menulis rumusan masalah karya ilmiah/saran karya
ilmiah/daftar pustaka.
Menyunting kalimat, ejaan/tanda baca, pilihan kata.
Melengkapi pantun.
Melengkapi puisi.
2. Menulis dan menyunting teks
nonsastra dengan menggunakan
kosakata yang bervariasi dan efektif
dalam bentuk buku harian, surat
pribadi, surat dinas, narasi dan pesan
singkat, laporan, pengumuman,
petunjuk, rangkuman, teks berita,
slogan/ poster, iklan, resensi dan
karangan, surat pembaca, teks pidato,
dan karya ilmiah; menulis teks sastra
dalam bentuk puisi, pantun, dongeng,
cerpen, dan drama.
Melengkapi naskah drama.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 2
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
tujuan komunikatif dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk caution/notice/warning, greeting card,
letter/e-mail, short message, advertisement,
announcement, invitation, schedule.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk procedure.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk recount.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
pesan moral/tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk
1. READING (Membaca)
Memahami makna dalam wacana
tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional
maupun esai sederhana berbentuk
deskriptif (descriptive, procedure,
maupun report) dan naratif (narrative
dan recount) dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau
tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk report.
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks
rumpang bentuk recount/narrative sederhana.
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks
rumpang bentuk descriptive/procedure sederhana.
Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat
kalimat yang bermakna.
2. WRITING (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis
teks fungsional pendek dan esai
sederhana berbentuk deskriptif
(descriptive, procedure, maupun
report) dan naratif (narrative dan
recount) dalam konteks kehidupan
Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk
membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 3
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
operasi tambah, kurang, kali, atau bagi pada bilangan.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
operasi bilangan berpangkat atau bentuk akar.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
perbankan atau koperasi dalam aritmetika sosial
1. Menggunakan konsep operasi hitung
dan sifat-sifat bilangan, perbandingan,
bilangan berpangkat, bilangan akar,
aritmetika sosial, barisan bilangan,
serta penggunaannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
barisan bilangan dan deret.
Menentukan pemfaktoran bentuk aljabar.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
persamaan linier atau pertidaksamaan linier satu
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
Menentukan gradien, persamaan garis, atau
2. Memahami operasi bentuk aljabar,
konsep persamaan dan
pertidaksamaan linier, persamaan
garis, himpunan, relasi, fungsi, sistem
persamaan linier, serta
penggunaannya dalam pemecahan
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
sistem persamaan linier dua variabel.
Menyelesaikan masalah menggunakan teorema
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan luas
bangun datar.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
keliling bangun datar.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
kesebangunan atau kongruensi.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
hubungan dua garis: besar sudut (penyiku atau
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan garisgaris
istimewa pada segitiga.
Memahami konsep kesebangunan,
sifat dan unsur bangun datar, serta
konsep hubungan antarsudut dan/atau
garis, serta menggunakannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
unsur-unsur/bagian-bagian lingkaran atau hubungan
dua lingkaran.
Menentukan unsur-unsur pada bangun ruang.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
kerangka atau jaring-jaring bangun ruang.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
volume bangun ruang.
Memahami sifat dan unsur bangun
ruang, dan menggunakannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan luas
permukaan bangun ruang.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 4
Menentukan ukuran pemusatan atau
menggunakannya dalam menyelesaikan masalah
4. Memahami konsep dalam statistika,
serta menerapkannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
penyajian atau penafsiran data.
5. Memahami konsep peluang suatu
kejadian serta menerapkannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
peluang suatu kejadian.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 5
1. Melakukan pengukuran dasar secara
teliti dengan menggunakan alat ukur
yang sesuai dan sering digunakan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran pokok, besaran turunan dan
satuannya atau penggunaan alat ukur dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan sifat-sifat zat berdasarkan wujudnya
atau penerapan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan konversi suhu pada termometer.
2. Menerapkan konsep zat dan kalor
serta kegunaannya dalam kehidupan
Menentukan besaran kalor dalam proses perubahan
suhu atau penerapan perubahan wujud zat dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan jenis gerak lurus atau penerapan hukum
Newton dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran fisis pada usaha atau energi .
Menentukan penerapan pesawat sederhana dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Mendeskripsikan dasar-dasar
mekanika (gerak, gaya, usaha, dan
energi) serta penerapan konsep
tekanan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran fisis yang terkait dengan
tekanan pada suatu zat.
Menentukan besaran fisis pada getaran atau
Menjelaskan sifat bunyi atau penerapannya dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
4. Memahami konsep-konsep dan
penerapan, getaran, gelombang,
bunyi, dan optik dalam produk
teknologi sehari-hari.
Menentukan sifat cahaya, besaran-besaran yang
berhubungan dengan cermin/lensa atau penerapan
alat optik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menjelaskan gejala listrik statis dalam penerapan
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran-besaran listrik dinamis dalam
suatu rangkaian (seri/paralel, Hukum Ohm atau
Hukum Kirchhoff) serta penerapannya dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran fisis energi atau daya listrik
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menjelaskan cara pembuatan magnet dan kutubkutub
yang dihasilkan.
5. Memahami konsep kelistrikan dan
kemagnetan serta penerapannya
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menjelaskan peristiwa induksi elektromagnetik atau
penerapannya pada transformator.
6. Memahami sistem tata surya dan
proses yang terjadi didalamnya.
Menjelaskan ciri-ciri anggota tata surya atau
peredaran bumi-bulan terhadap matahari.
7 Mendeskripsikan konsep atom, ion
dan molekul dihubungkan dengan
produk kimia sehari-hari.
Mendeskripsikan atom, ion, dan molekul serta
hubungannya dengan produk kimia sehari-hari.
8. Memahami klasifikasi zat serta Mendeskripsikan larutan asam, basa, atau garam.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 6
Mendeskripsikan unsur, senyawa dan campuran
termasuk rumus kimia
Mendeskripsikan sifat kimia atau fisika zat tertentu
serta perubahannya.
Mendeskripsikan bahan kimia tertentu yang terdapat
dalam beberapa produk kimia.
9. Mendeskripsikan pemakaian bahan
kimia tertentu dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Mendeskripsikan bahan kimia adiktif dan obat
psikotropika serta cara menghindarinya.
Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri makhluk 10. khluk hidup.
Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri dan
keanekaragaman makhluk hidup, serta
pentingnya pelestarian makhluk hidup
dalam kehidupan.
Mengelompokkan makhluk hidup berdasarkan ciricirinya.
Menjelaskan interaksi antar makhluk hidup dalam
Menjelaskan usaha manusia untuk mengatasi
pencemaran/kerusakan lingkungan.
11. Mendeskripsikan komponen
ekosistem, interaksi antarmakhluk
hidup dalam lingkungan, serta peran
manusia dalam pengelolaan
lingkungan. Menjelaskan hubungan antara kepadatan populasi
manusia dengan kualitas lingkungan berdasarkan
hasil pengamatan/kasus.
Menjelaskan sistem gerak pada manusia dan
penyakit yang berhubungan dengannya.
Menjelaskan sistem pencernaan manusia dan enzimenzim
yang berperan pada proses pencernaan.
Menjelaskan sistem pernapasan pada manusia dan
penyakit yang berhubungan dengannya.
Menjelaskan sistem peredaran darah pada manusia
dan penyakit yang berhubungan dengannya.
Menjelaskan sistem ekskresi dan reproduksi pada
manusia dan penyakit yang berhubungan dengannya.
12. Menjelaskan sistem organ pada
Menjelaskan sistem saraf dan alat indera pada
Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi jaringan (organ)
pada tumbuhan.
Menjelaskan cara beradaptasi (respon) tumbuhan
terhadap pengaruh lingkungan luar.
13. Menjelaskan sistem organ dalam
kehidupan tumbuhan
Menjelaskan proses fotosintesis melalui percobaanpercobaan
tentang proses tersebut.
Memberi contoh adaptasi makhluk hidup dan seleksi
alam dalam kelangsungan hidup makhluk hidup.
Menginterpretasi proses persilangan berdasarkan
hukum Mendel.
Mengaplikasikan konsep
pertumbuhan dan perkembangan,
kelangsungan hidup dan pewarisan
sifat pada organisme serta kaitannya
dengan lingkungan, teknologi dan
masyarakat. Menjelaskan pemanfaatan bioteknologi untuk
kehidupan manusia.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 7
Menentukan isi bacaan.
Menentukan gagasan utama paragraf.
Menentukan kalimat utama paragraf.
Menyimpulkan isi bacaan.
Mengidentifikasi isi grafik/tabel/bagan/denah.
Menentukan fakta/opini.
Mengidentifikasi isi teks biografi.
Menentukan unsur intrinsik cerpen.
1. Membaca
Membaca dan memahami berbagai
bentuk wacana tulis (biografi, iklan,
artikel/buku, esiklopedia/buku
telepon, grafik tabel, bagan, denah
berita) dan berbagai karya sastra
berbentuk cerita pendek, dan novel
dari berbagai angkatan
Menentukan unsur intrinsik novel.
Menulis buku harian sesuai konteks.
Menulis teks berita/pidato sesuai konteks.
Menulis surat pribadi.
Menulis surat dinas.
Menulis surat pembaca.
Menulis slogan/poster.
Menulis rangkuman.
Menulis petunjuk melakukan sesuatu.
Menulis laporan.
Menyunting ejaan, tanda baca, pilihan kata.
Menulis unsur karya ilmiah (latar belakang/tujuan/
rumusan masalah/daftar pustaka).
Melengkapi puisi/pantun.
2. Menulis
Menulis karangan nonsastra dengan
menggunakan kosakata bervariasi dan
efektif dalam bentuk buku harian,
surat pribadi, pesan singkat, laporan,
surat dinas, petunjuk, rangkuman, teks
berita, slogan, poster, iklan baris,
resensi, karangan, karya ilmiah
sederhana, pidato, surat pembaca, dan
berbagai karya sastra berbentuk
pantun, dongeng, puisi, drama
Melengkapi drama.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 8
Mengidentifikasi isi paragraf/teks
Menyimpulkan isi paragraf/teks
Menentukan gagasan utama suatu paragraf/teks
Menentukan makna kata sesuai konteks
Mengidentifikasi jenis kalimat
Menentukan isi tabel/diagram, grafik, denah
Mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang dapat diteladani dari
buku biografi
Menentukan isi teks berita
Menentukan fakta dan pendapat
Menentukan makna kata/ungkapan dalam teks sastra
Mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik drama
1. Memahami berbagai jenis teks
nonsastra (berita, biografi, grafik,
tabel, denah), makna kata, dan teks
sastra (cerpen, novel, drama)
Mengidentifikasi unsur intrinsik cerpen/novel
Menulis pengalaman pada buku harian
Menulis iklan baris dengan bahasa yang singkat
Menulis paragraf laporan
Melengkapi surat pribadi
Melengkapi surat dinas
Menulis pengumuman
Menyunting kata, pilihan kata, kalimat, ejaan/tanda
Menulis pesan singkat
Melengkapi teks pidato
Menulis petunjuk
Melengkapi puisi
Melengkapi drama
2. Menulis dan menyunting teks
nonsastra dengan menggunakan kosa
kata dan kalimat efektif dalam bentuk
pengumuman, iklan, laporan, buku
harian, surat pribadi, surat dinas,
pesan singkat, teks pidato, petunjuk,
serta teks sastra dalam bentuk puisi,
cerpen, drama
Melengkapi cerpen
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 9
Menentukan gambaran umum atau informasi
rinci/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat, serta
rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat, dalam
teks berbentuk notice/shopping list.
Menentukan gambaran umum atau informasi
rinci/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat, serta
rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam
teks berbentuk kartu ucapan selamat/daftar barang.
Menentukan gambaran umum atau informasi
rinci/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat, serta
rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam
teks berbentuk undangan/pesan singkat.
1. Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna teks tulis berupa
teks fungsional pendek
(pengumuman, label dan lain-lain)
yang ditemukan dalam berbagai
konteks, situasi dan berbagai jenis
teks (naratif, deskriptif dan
sebagainya) yang menggunakan
bahasa sangat sederhana.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat, serta rujukan kata atau makna
kata/frasa/kalimat, dalam teks berbentuk letter.
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks
fungsional yang rumpang, pendek dan sederhana
serta pada kalimat/paragraf naratif/deskriptif/recount/
Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat
kalimat yang bermakna.
2. Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis
dalam berbagai teks fungsional
pendek (pesan, kartu ucapan dan
sebagainya) yang digunakan dalam
berbagai konteks, situasi serta menulis
berbagai jenis paragraf (naratif,
deskriptif dan sebagainya) yang
menggunakan bahasa sangat
Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk
membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 10
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat, serta rujukan kata atau makna
kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk ucapan
barang/instruksi/notice/shopping list/pesan
Menentukan kosa kata yang tepat pada bidang
keterampilan tata busana/tataboga/ komputer/
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat, serta rujukan kata atau makna
kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk procedure.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi rinci/informasi tertentu/informasi
tersirat, serta rujukan kata atau makna
kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk descriptive.
1. Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna dalam wacana
tertulis, interpersonal dan
transaksional sederhana secara formal
dan informal dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf
atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi
tersirat, serta rujukan kata atau makna
kata/frasa/kalimat, dalam teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk recount.
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks
rumpang, pendek dan sederhana berbentuk
descriptive/recount/ procedure serta teks fungsional
pendek sederhana.
2. Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan perasaan, kehendak,
pendapat, pengalaman secara tertulis
dalam wacana interpersonal dan
transaksional sederhana secara formal
maupun informal dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat
kalimat yang padu dan bermakna.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 11
Menentukan anggota suatu himpunan yang
dinyatakan dalam kata-kata.
Menentukan irisan atau gabungan dua himpunan.
1. Memahami konsep dan operasi
himpunan serta mampu
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan
masalah. Menyelesaikan soal cerita yang berkaitan dengan
irisan atau gabungan dua himpunan.
Menentukan hasil operasi bilangan bulat atau
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan
bilangan bulat atau pecahan
Menyelesaikan persamaan atau pertidaksamaan linier
satu variabel.
Menentukan hasil operasi memfaktorkan, atau
menyederhanakan bentuk aljabar
2. Memahami operasi hitung bilangan
dan bentuk aljabar sederhana, konsep
persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linier,
serta penggunaannya dalam
pemecahan masalah.
Menyelesaikan soal cerita yang berkaitan dengan
Menentukan jenis sudut atau besarnya.
Menentukan hubungan antar sudut jika dua garis
sejajar dipotong garis lain.
Menentukan bangun datar berdasarkan sifat-sifatnya
Menentukan jenis-jenis segitiga.
Menghitung keliling segiempat atau segitiga.
Menghitung luas segiempat atau segitiga.
Menentukan panjang salah satu sisi pada segitiga
siku-siku menggunakan teorema Phytagoras.
Menentukan unsur/bagian, keliling, luas dari
Menentukan unsur-unsur kubus, balok atau tabung
Menentukan luas permukaan kubus, balok, atau
3. Memahami sifat dan unsur dari
bangun geometri serta menentukan
ukurannya dan mampu
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan
Menentukan volume kubus, balok, atau tabung.
Menentukan ruang sampel suatu percobaan.
Menentukan peluang suatu kejadian.
4. Memahami konsep peluang dan
Menentukan ukuran pemusatan dari data tunggal.
5. Memahami barisan dan deret bilangan
untuk pemecahan masalah
Menentukan suku ke-n dan jumlah n suku dari
barisan bilangan.
6. Melakukan perhitungan untung dan
rugi dalam perdagangan.
Menentukan harga pembelian atau penjualan serta
untung atau rugi.
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 12
Menyelesaikan operasi hitung bilangan bulat.
Menyelesaikan operasi hitung bilangan pecahan.
Menyederhanakan operasi bentuk aljabar.
1. Melakukan operasi hitung bilangan
dan bentuk aljabar sederhana serta
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan
masalah. Menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan dengan
2. Melakukan perhitungan untung atau
rugi dan persentase dalam
Menyelesaikan masalah yang berkaitan dengan jual,
beli atau untung, rugi.
Menentukan anggota suatu himpunan.
Menentukan irisan atau gabungan dua himpunan.
3. Memahami konsep dan operasi
himpunan, serta mampu
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan
Menentukan irisan atau gabungan dua himpunan
yang disajikan dalam bentuk diagram venn.
Menentukan jenis sudut dan besarnya.
Menentukan hubungan antar sudut atau besar sudut
yang terbentuk jika dua garis sejajar berpotongan
dengan garis lain.
Menyebutkan nama bangun datar berdasarkan
gambar atau sifat-sifat yang diberikan.
Menyelesaikan soal keliling dan luas segiempat.
Menyelesaikan soal cerita berkaitan dengan keliling
serta luas segiempat.
Menyelesaikan soal keliling dan luas lingkaran.
Menentukan jenis-jenis segitiga.
Menyelesaikan soal keliling dan luas segitiga.
Menyelesaikan soal cerita berkaitan dengan keliling
serta luas segitiga
Menggunakan teorama Pythagoras untuk menentukan
panjang sisi pada segitiga siku-siku.
Menentukan unsur-unsur kubus atau balok.
Menentukan jaring-jaring kubus atau balok.
4. Memahami sifat dan unsur dari
bangun geometri serta menentukan
ukurannya dan mampu
menggunakannya dalam pemecahan
Menentukan volume kubus atau tabung.
Menentukan peluang suatu kejadian.
Menyelesaikan soal cerita berhubungan dengan nilai
5. Memahami konsep peluang dan
Menentukan median atau modus dari suatu data yang
Kompetensi–Standar Isi–2012-2013 13
Menyebutkan peristiwa yang termasuk perubahan
1. Memahami berbagai sifat dalam
perubahan fisika dan kimia serta
kegunaannya dalam kehidupan seharihari.
Menentukan kegunaan/efek samping bahan kimia
tertentu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan pasangan besaran dan satuan yang
sesuai dalam Satuan Internasional (SI).
2. Melakukan pengukuran dasar dengan
alat ukur yang sering digunakan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menyebutkan fungsi atau membaca alat ukur yang
digunakan untuk mengukur besaran tertentu.
Menyebutkan contoh gerak lurus dalam kehidupan
Menentukan jenis gaya, pengaruh gaya, resultan gaya
atau penerapan Hukum Newton pada berbagai
peristiwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan besaran fisis usaha/energi dalam
penerapannya pada kehidupan sehari-hari.
3. Memahami dasar-dasar mekanika
(gerak, gaya, usaha, dan energi) serta
penerapannya dalam kehidupan
Menjelaskan perubahan energi yang terjadi pada alat
yang sedang digunakan.
Menentukan besaran-besaran fisika pada getaran atau
Menentukan sumber bunyi suatu alat atau penerapan
pemantulan bunyi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menyebutkan sifat-sifat cahaya.
4 Memahami konsep dasar tentang
getaran, gelombang, karakteristik
gelombang bunyi, cahaya, dan optika
serta mampu menerapkannya dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Menentukan jenis lensa pada cacat mata tertentu.
Menentukan prinsip kerja elemen atau salah satu
besaran fisis pada rangkaian listrik tertutup.
Menghitung hambatan pengganti beberapa hambatan
listrik yang dirangkai secara seri atau paralel.
Menentukan besar penggunaan energi listrik.
Menjelaskan sifat atau manfaat magnet.
5 Memahami konsep dasar tentang
listrik statis, listrik dinamis, dan
kemagnetan secara kualitatif,
perhitungan sederhana serta
penerapannya dalam kehidupan
Menjelaskan cara pembuatan magnet.
6. Mendeskripsikan konsep dasar
tentang tata surya.
Menjelaskan karakteristik sistem tata surya, gerak
edar bumi, bulan mengelilingi bumi atau pengaruh
Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri makhluk hidup.
Mengelompokkan makhluk hidup.
7. Menjelaskan ciri-ciri dan
keanekaragaman makhluk hidup, serta
pentingnya pelestarian makhluk hidup
dalam kehidupan.
Menjelaskan upaya pelestarian makhluk hidup.
Menyebutkan peran komponen-komponen ekosistem.
Memberi contoh interaksi antar makhluk hidup.
8. Menjelaskan komponen ekosistem
serta interaksi antarmakhluk hidup
dalam lingkungan.
Menjelaskan pengaruh kepadatan populasi manusia
terhadap lingkungan.
Menjelaskan sistem gerak pada manusia9. Menjelaskan berbagai sistem .
fisiologis dalam kehidupan manusia. Menjelaskan fungsi organ ekskresi pada manusia.